A Fitness, Tennis, Squash & Sports Blog by Mayfair Clubs

Interval Training to Improve Performance and Body Composition by kerriechen
February 9, 2011, 1:19 pm
Filed under: Fitness

This amazing workout called Interval Training is a training method which alternates high intensity efforts with low intensity efforts.  Adding just a couple sessions of interval training to your workouts each week is a sure way to boost your fitness level, accelerate fat loss and help you beat boredom.

Here are 5 good reasons to get Interval Training into your workout routine.

1. Interval Training burns more calories. Most of us exercise at a continuous intensity during our cardio workouts. This is called “continuous training.” While continuous training is the most common way to exercise and still offers ample benefits, such as burning calories, “Interval training burns calories quicker. If you’re doing interval training for 20 minutes you can burn as many calories as you would in 40 minutes, of steady-state training.

2. Interval Training burns more Body fat. Doing short bursts of higher-intensity exercise, will encourage your body to burn body fat as fuel.  Some studies show that even when the workout is over, your post calorie burn can reach as high as 36%.  This means metabolism remains elevated.

3. Interval Training works for all fitness levels. According to the American Council on Exercise, everyone from beginner exercisers to elite athletes can perform and benefit from interval training. Intervals can improve your cardiovascular fitness level by as much as 13%. Beginners, who are using interval training in their program for the first time should work their way up slowly. Progress from a brisk walk to a moderate jog. For intermediate exercisers; go from a moderate jog to a fast run approx 75% of your running effort.  The more advanced athlete should continue at a moderate running pace, and increase their intensity by holding a fast pace on an incline. An example; Hold each interval for 1:30-2:00 minutes. Rest for 1:00min between the working set, then repeat.

4. Interval Training works for the tortoise and the hare.   Interval training is a great way to change up your workout routine.  Some days may you feel like running the 6 minute mile or just want to take easy. Interval training is a great alternative for both scenarios.  I turn to interval training because it will always keep my routine fresh.  Any combination of exercises can be used such as: walking, running, biking, cardio classes even strength training.

5.  Interval training can combat boredom. Interval training can make your workouts seem more fun. Rather than digging away at the same boring intensity, interval training keeps your mind engaged and helps your workouts go by faster. Break down your routine into 3 continuous circuits of three exercises for a period of 10 minutes. Once you completed the first round rest for 30 seconds, and then continue again, until completed.

Written by Jason Ferreira, Mayfair East’s Fitness Manager

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